Ohhhh, Smell the Lavender!
{{Take a deep breath}} Imagine that you are walking through a gorgeous field of fresh lavender. Pale purple blooms surround you and tickle your senses with a delightful burst of lavender. Didn't that smell great?
The staff at Tales by the Sea soooo wishes that we could post a "scratch n sniff" sticker here. That would allow each of you to smell these amazing linen sachets that are filled to the brim with our new fresh lavender.
Look closely at the photos...you'll notice that each one has a unique saying or design:
Thinking of You
Thank You
Fleur de Lis Design
The front of each sachet has a sheer "window" that permits the fragrance to breeze through the air.
This sachet makes a lovely treat for a treasured friend or co-worker. Many clients purchase these to place in their powder rooms or dresser drawers. It's a really easy and affordable (just $8.99) way to fragrance your home or car.
{{Once more, breathe in, breathe out}} Yum! The fresh lavender scent is everywhere! This item is offered in store---call us---850-351-1980.
PS: STOCKING STUFFER ALERT...these would a perfect item to stuff your stocking with!
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