Visit any cultured home in the deep South and I guarantee that you will find lovely embossed monogrammed towels on the powder room counter. In fact, I'll even bet you!
We've decided that it was high time to run a special on one of our best sellers: the 3 ply super soft towels pictured above. There are so many ways you can use these. After all, don't you get irritated after a social gathering when you go into the powder room and notice that your beautiful linen hand towels were used to wipe some one's sticky little hands. Ekkkkk, I hate it.
With this set of powder room towels, you can still hang up your antique linens for "appearance sake," but you will lay the paper towels on the counter for the general visiting public to use. I dare say this has to be more sanitary any way, right?
These are cost effective, too. Order while on sale, a set 50 for just $24.99 OR order a set of 100 for only $32.99! The acrylic holder for the towels is sold for $18.00. We highly recommend this item. Ecru or white. Personalizing included!
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