Rainy days & Mondays always...make us give something away F*R*E*E!
That's right, rainy days do NOT get the beach babes at Tales by the Sea down! Nope, the rain inspires us to let the freebies rain down! You can win this bag by registering here on our blog. Simply leave a comment with your email and we will post the winner on Friday's blog and notify you via email.
This bag can be used for so many things. Start with the diaper bag idea---nestle wipes, diapers, a change of clothes and bottles in the large center. The outside pocket is perfect to store your cell phone, keys and a binky. This bag also works great as a book bag for stylish students from middle school to college. Executives love this bag to use as a briefcase with sass. See, there are just sooo many reasons to register to win this bag OR just order one now at www.talesbythesea.com. If you win you can give it as a gift.
For those of you who love Chocolate and baby blue---it can be made that was as well. Tell us what you think of this bag! Comment now.
PS: Thanks for all of the emails of concern, we weathered Tropical Storm Fay f-i-n-e. In fact, the resort was open ALL weekend. Thanks for checking on us. We really do have the best customers ever.
Love your blog.
-clairevath at gmail.com.
oh, love the bag too.
i sure could use a new diaper baf! this would be perfect!
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