You know life is too busy when you can't find an hour or two to squeeze in lunch with your best girlfriends! It's usually when daily routines get the most hectic that you really need the love and support of your favorite friends---those girls with whom you can laugh until your belly aches, talk on the phone for hours and hours, and share your innermost thoughts.
Next Thursday, October 8th at 11:30 a.m., Emerald Coast ladies will have just opportunity to shop, dine and relax at a festive party with a purpose: The Frill Seekers Gifts/Vera Bradley Breast Cancer Foundation Tickled Pink Party/Luncheon and Fashion Show. Taking place at Graffiti's Restaurant at Sandestin's Baytowne Wharf, this event will celebrate Breast Cancer Survivors and honor the memory of those who lost the battle with a pink themed luncheon complete with pink lemonade and pink ice tea and topped off with pink cupcakes and strawberry pink ice cream!
A stunning fashion show will feature fall and winter clothing collections from CoCo and Company, Tales by the Sea, Mermaids Boutique, The Village Boutique and howling cute doggie fashions from Bark Avenue. A sneak peek at Vera Bradley's winter 2009 collection of handbags, stationery, and travel accessories will be featured from Frill Seekers Gifts in Baytowne Wharf. The Tickled Pink Party will also feature a silent auction of incredible pink gifts, and a presentation by the Vera Bradley Foundation's national ambassador, Heidi Floyd, who is flying into Destin for the event. As a special treat, the first 50 guests to RSVP, will receive a Vera Bradley limited edition gift.
Event founder, Destin resident, Heidi LoCicero and her 16 year old daughter Peyton, created the event to honor Peyton's grandmother, Inez Addison LoCicero, who lost her battle with breast cancer just months ago. "Peyton and I were struggling with grief and felt that we should find a way to not only honor my mother in law's memory, but to raise funds---in a fun way---to help find a cure," said Heidi LoCicero. "This was the perfect way to include the entire community and raise awareness," explained Peyton LoCicero. Peyton, who is a member of the Fort Walton Beach High School Stars Dance team, also recently experienced the loss of the Stars long time coach, Mrs. Charlotte Dry, to the disease. "My team and I miss Mrs. Dry every day and know that by supporting events like this one...that we can save lives," said Peyton. A special Hope Grows Memory Wall at the event will feature Mrs. Dry's photo and event guests are invited to bring photos of their loved ones who have been or are affected by Breast Cancer!
"There's no better place to celebrate life and bond with your BFF's than at a fabulous event, doing fabulous things," LoCicero said. Tickets for the Luncheon are $20.00 which includes a door prize entry, lunch and the style show. Reservations are required. Contact Frill Seekers Gifts at 850-267-4438 for additional information or donate to the cause.